Saturday, May 14, 2011

Music You HAVE TO Check out!

Ok so I know I like a lot of music. But, I figured this post might be useful to those who are looking for something different to listen to. I know some of you might not like some of this music, but please, please, please check it out! If only for 30 seconds, or 30 minutes, please listen to it! Even if you dont like it, dont leave mean hurtful comments.. But tell me if you like it! (I'll try to link the music, but I dont know how- I also dont know how to add the videos on this page, I'll try though!) :)
- "Follow Me There" By: Third Day
          My ultime favorite song. It brings light to my darkest days- literally! My number one favorite!
-"Cry out to Jesus" By: Third Day
             My motivational/emotional song.
-"Today is the Day" By: Lincoln Brewster
             Inspiring, and motivational- my go-to song!
-"You are my All in All" By: Nicole Nordeman
           It was the song sang at my Uncles wedding when I was a little girl, so it has a lot of meaning to me personally.
-"Shout to the Lord"
           One of my favorite songs.
-Third Day   (Band)
  Mac Powell (Lead singer- Third Day)
please check a Third Day song out! Ill listen to any of your favorite songs!! :)
    God Bless!

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