Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Im Sick- Sorta

Ok so ya kno how my last post was about the dentist, and teeth pulled? I havent gotten better. In fact, I think its worse. I have a super super sore throat that hurts SOOOOOOO bad, a runny nose, sneezing, FOUR CANKER SORES, swollen gums (i cant chew any hard foods- pretzels, etc. or anything salty!).

I still have to go to school though. I cant even tell you how much pain Im in. I know that sounds really well, wimpy, but Its true. It hurts to swallow, or do anything. It burns!! :/

I almost wish I had a stomachache instead. At least those I suck it up and go to school even tho I feel like im going to hurl, but when your throat hurts, (im sure MUCH of you have probally experienced this!) you cant swallow, chew, anything. But to top it all off, 4 canker sores. And swallow, inflamed gums. Fun huh? NOT.

G2G, if this makes no sense, sorry, i dont wanna proof read it. LOL. BYe!

                                                  God Bless!

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