Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Budgeting For Summer!

     So I know a big problem people, (espiacially teens!) have a problem with is saving. I for one, am an AMAZING saver! Lol. Not to brag! (Uhm, my friends are... ok... savers. LOL. They prefer the store by the name 'Bath and Body Works', and love to spend they're money there. I for one like it, but I like spending at multiple stores, not just one.) Read on for tips on how to save, FOR SUMMER!

     1) DON'T blow all your money in one store.  Sure, some people like to. Even if you do though, its a great idea to make a budget. Like; "Hmm.. 50 at Hollister, 25 at Bath and Body Works, and 25 at Macys." That way, you spend less at one store, you get more, and save money to buy other things!

     2) Think about it.    A good technique, is asking yourself, "Do I need this?" and thinking how often you'll wear something, use something, or go on something. Sure, sparkly tops are nice, but will you wear one to school? No. Hand lotions are awesome, but buying more then three at one purchase sometimes is too much, espiacally if you buy other things with them. And, if you buy more than three, the big bottles (from Bath and Body Works) are big, so itll be a while to use all three... Make sense?

     3) Look before you leap!    Something I do, is before looking at the price tag, think how much you would pay for it. So for example, say you see a cute neclace. Think, "How much would I pay for this?" if you budget 15, and its 17, go ahead! Buy it! Give a 5 range- below or above 5 dollars, its still ok! So if its 20, go ahead! 25 though, too much, 10 dollars over budget! You could buy a new Bath and Body works lotion!

     4) The Famous 2nd Guessing.   Ah, second guessing. Happens to everyone. If your second guessing buying something, check the return policy 1st. If it sounds good, get the item. If you dont like it, return it later.

     5) Tie!  If you stuck between two items, go with your gut. If your still questioning, think which you would use more. Think HARD! Lol.

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. cool post. i think it doesnt really matter when we're really young what we spend it on.. idk, lol it's just me. but when we get older, obviously, we have to budget a bit more
