Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Here is probally my most emotional and serious blogspot.

I think I have OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Maybe if someone is reading this and really has it, I am in no way meaning to offend you, because this is a serious matter. I have not been dignosed, but I am thinking this could be a perfect decription of what I have been struggling with.

I have observed signals over the years, but never put them into a category until this week. Some symtoms online, were; touching things a certain ammount of times, religious views, and I have that- I guess you could say, very very serervely.

Some of you might read this and thing Im crazy, others may understand, but if I have this, or anything related to this, it is eating me up inside. Like no one can understand. I literally feel that for the, "Touching things a certain ammount of time" is one of the biggestest ones. I have to do things 4 times. If I turn on the volume on the computer, I am forced to turn it up 4 more times up. If Its 5, or 3, I re do it.

For the religious beliefs for OCD, I am very religious as many of you know, and when someone says "Oh my God" I correct them 4 times inside my head, and zone out of everything else. And when someone says love instead of like, I say like 4 times. If its more servere, like saying, "Jesus" in vain, I double 4 by 4, and its 16, but intead of just four times, I "classify" it, and literally do this:

          Oh My goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness,
           oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness
          Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness,
           oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness

Its that bad. If I skip one, I have to do the entire process over.

When im reading my Bible, if I think of "an unclean thought" while reading, I have to read from eiether the last sentence, or the entire paragraph.

    Theres even more, but I have to go. Im scared you guys. If you are struggling with OCD, please email me at hannahmacbarbie@aol.com so I can ask Q'S about this disorder. Thanks for reading!

                                         Please pray I get rid of OCD,
                                                                                                God Bless,

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