Thursday, March 10, 2011

Genuine Ken and Eye Doctors

So hey dolls! GUESS WHAT?! The Genuine Ken season finale is coming up! Like couple days! OMG! Who do you all want to win? I pick...

His public service annoucement was about orphans! OMG! How nice! So like I dont have anything againist Kurtis, but Chris (when Whitney Port- the host said, "Why do you feel you should stay?") he said,

                "Sure, I might not be the loudest guy at the party, but I think every girl should have someone that cares and is there to listen when she needs him."

How cute right?! Thats like my perfect boyfriend!

Anyways, I have an eye doctors appointment tomorrow:( Not fun, but I have to get it over with, and might miss Chorus pictures! OMG! (Ik, Im saying OMG alot!)

Soo g2gs to go dollies! Ttyl!

                                                                                          God Bless,

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