Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh No Hannah, Your A Bel-ieber?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!!?

So I saw 'Justin Bieber Never Say Never Movie' today with my mom and two sisters. Did any of you see it? I did obvoiusly. Lol. So, it was...

                                          AH-MAZING TIMES TEN!

Justin Bieber was fa-nom-in-il. Like one of my favorite movies- Evveerrr.

  Yoouuu sssmmiillleeee, IIIIIIII ssssmmmmmiiilllleeeee.....
                        So, am I a belieber? (A total obessed fan of Justin Bieber)


Ik, like seriously? Well, Im not head over heels, but I do really like the kid. Good looking, talented, and he believes in God! They prayed before performing, and I was touched, So yeah, I adore JBiebs. Thanks for reading, and go see the moviee!!!!

                                                                  God Bless,

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